How to Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 24.04: Quick Guide

Don’t know how to install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 24.04? Let’s see how!

Installing Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 24.04

Visual Studio Code or VS Code is a well-known Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is supported over multiple platforms, including Linux distros. 

Let’s install it on Ubuntu 24.04.

Step 1: Update the System

Update the Ubuntu system using:

sudo apt update
updating system packages on ubuntu 24.04

Step 2: Install Snapd

On Ubuntu 24.04, install snapd by executing:

sudo apt install snapd
installing snapd on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

Step 3: Install VS Code

Now, utilize the snap store for the installation of VS Code:

sudo snap install --classic code
installing visual studio code on ubuntu 24.04

Step 4: List Snap Packages

List installed snap packages and verify installation of Visual Studio Code:

snap list
listing snap packages on ubuntu 24.04

Step 5: Launch VS Code

Lastly, open Visual Studio Code via:

launching visual studio code on ubuntu 24.04 using terminal

Visual Studio Code can also be launched through the All Apps menu:

launching visual studio code on ubuntu 24.04 using activities menu

This is how Visual Studio Code looks on Ubuntu 24.04:

using visual studio code on ubuntu 24.04

Uninstalling Visual Studio Code from Ubuntu 24.04

To uninstall VS Code from Ubuntu 24.04, run:

sudo snap remove --purge code
removing visual studio code from ubuntu 24.04

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