How to Install Remmina on Ubuntu 24.04: Quick Guide

If you’re running Ubuntu 24.04 and need to manage remote connections, install Remmina on your system using our guide!

How to Install Remmina on Ubuntu 24.04?

Here’s a step-by-step quick guide to installing Remmina on Ubuntu 24.04:

Step 1: Update Ubuntu 24.04 Packages

Firstly, update the Ubuntu 24.04 system’s repository:

sudo apt update
update system packages on ubuntu 24.04

Step 2: Add the Remmina Stable PPA

Now, add the stable PPA repository of Remmina with the sudo privileges:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next -y
add the Remmina stable ppa on ubuntu 24.04

Step 3: Update System Repository

Update again to reflect the new PPA:

sudo apt update
update system packages on ubuntu 24.04 after adding ppa

Step 4: Install Remmina

Finally, install Remmina with its RDP plugin:

sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret
install remmina on ubuntu 24.04

Step 5: Verified Installed Remmina

To confirm the successful installation of Remmina, launch Remmina:

verifying installed remmina on ubuntu 24.04

That’s all from the installation of Remmina on Ubuntu 24.04.

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