How to Install PowerShell on Ubuntu 24.04: Step-by-Step Guide

Wondering how to install PowerShell on Ubuntu 24.04? Let us take you to the one!

How to Install PowerShell on Ubuntu 24.04?

Here, we are utilizing the Snap store for installing PowerShell on Ubuntu 24.04.

Step 1: Update the Installed Packages List

Press “Ctrl+Alt+T” to open the Ubuntu 24.04 default terminal. Then, type the mentioned command:

sudo apt update -y
updating system packages on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

Step 2: Install Snap Store

Next, install snap store if it is not installed already:

sudo apt install snapd
installing snapd on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

Step 3: Install PowerShell

After that, install PowerShell using this command:

sudo snap install powershell --classic
installing powershell snap package on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

Step 4: Launch Powershell

Go to the “All Apps” menu and search for “Powershell”. Click on its icon from the results to open it:

launching powershell through activities menu of noble numbat

PowerShell has been launched successfully:

using powershell on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

That was all from this post. Do let us know your feedback in the comment box!

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