How to Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 24.04: Step-by-Step Guide

Don’t know how to install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 24.04? Let’s do it using the Snap Store.

How to Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 24.04?

Notepad++ is a free-to-use code editor, available on Ubuntu as well. In this section, we’ll guide you related to its installation on Ubuntu 24.04.

Step 1: Update the System Packages

Firstly, update the system packages:

sudo apt update
updating system packages on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

Step 2: Snap Store Installation

Before moving toward the next step, make sure to install the snap store: 

sudo apt install snapd

Step 3: Install Core

Now, set up the snap core on your system:

sudo snap install core
installing core packages on ubuntu 24.04

Step 4: Install Notepad++

Next, utilize the snap package to install Notepad++:

sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus
installing notepad++ using snap on ubuntu 24.04

Step 5: Launch Notepad++

To launch Notepad++ via terminal, execute this:

launching notepad++ using terminal of ubuntu 24.04

You can also use the GUI to launch Notepad++. To do so, navigate to the “All Apps” menu and look for “Notepad++”.

Lastly, hit its icon:

launching notepad++ using terminal of ubuntu 24.04

After launching Notepad++, the interface will somehow look like this:

using notepad++ on ubuntu 24.04

So now you know how to install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 24.04.

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