How to Install Brackets on Ubuntu 24.04

Want to know about how to install Brackets on Ubuntu 24.04? You are on the right blog!

1. Install Brackets Using Snapd

Brackets is an open-source code editor for web designing and development. It is used to write code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages. However, it was replaced with Visual Studio Code Editor, and many web developers still use it.

To install Brackets using Snapd, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Install Snap 

First, install Snap on Ubuntu 24.04 using:

sudo apt install snapd
installing snap on ubuntu 24.04 using sudo apt install snap

Step 2: Install Brackets

Next, install brackets stable version on Ubuntu 24.04 through:

sudo snap install brackets --classic
installing brackets on ubuntu 24.04 using sudo snap install brackets

Step 3: Launch Brackets

Launch the Brackets by searching “Brackets” in the “Activity” menu:

launching brackets on ubuntu 24.04

Note: This method may not work properly as the Brackets code editor is deprecated and replaced by VSCode according to the Snap official documentation.

2. Install Brackets Using Flatpak

Another method that can work to install Brackets on Ubuntu 24.04 is using Flatpak.

Flatpak is a third-party tool used to deploy and manage software and apps on Linux. It also provides support for the Brackets code editor.

To install Brackets using Flatpak, follow the procedure below.

Step 1: Install Flatpak

First, install Flatpak through:

sudo apt install flatpak
installing flatpak on ubuntu24.04 using sudo apt install flatpak

Step 2: Add Flatpak Repository

Next, add the Flatpack official repository “flathub” in Ubuntu 24.04:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
adding flatpak repository in ubuntu 24.04

Step 3: Install Brackets

Now, install Brackets through Flatpak via:

flatpak install flathub io.brackets.Brackets
installing bracket on ubuntu 24.04 using flathub

Step 4: Launch Brackets

Lastly, launch the Brackets code editor on Ubuntu 24.04 through:

flatpak run io.brackets.Brackets
launching brackets on ubuntu 24.04

Remove Brackets Using Snap

To remove brackets that are installed through snap, use:

sudo snap remove brackets
removing brackets using sudo snap remove brackets

Remove Brackets Using Flatpak

To remove the brackets from Ubuntu 24.04 using Flatpak, run:

flatpak uninstall io.brackets.Brackets
uninstalling brackets from ubuntu 24.04 using flatpak

To sum up, the Brackets code editor can be installed on Ubuntu 24.04 through Snap using the “sudo snap install brackets –classic” command. Another possible way to install brackets is through flatpak using the “flatpak install flathub io.brackets.Brackets” command.

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