How to Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu 24.04: Quick Guide

Ready to remotely access a system on Ubuntu 24.04? Let’s get AnyDesk installed!

How to Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu 24.04?

AnyDesk is a GUI-based tool that permits you to remotely access a system. Let’s install it on Ubuntu 24.04.

Step 1: Update the Ubuntu System

Firstly, update the system and upgrade it as well (if required):

sudo apt update
updating system packages on ubuntu 24.04 noble numbat

Step 2: Import AnyDesk GPG key

Next, retrieve the AnyDesk GPG key and store it to “/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/anydesk.gpg”:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/anydesk.gpg
adding anydesk gpg key to ubuntu 24.04 system

Step 3: Add or Import Repository

Now, add the AnyDesk repository to enable the package manager to access it and install AnyDesk:

echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list
adding anydesk repository to ubuntu 24.04 system

Step 4: Install AnyDesk

After adding the AnyDesk repository successfully, run this command to install AnyDesk:

sudo apt install anydesk
installing anydesk on ubuntu 24.04

Step 5: Launch or Open AnyDesk

To launch AnyDesk, execute “anydesk” in the terminal:

launching anydesk using terminal in ubuntu 24.04

You can launch AnyDesk from the All Apps menu as well:

launching anydesk using activities menu of ubuntu 24.04

AnyDesk is ready to use:

using anydesk on ubuntu 24.04

Uninstalling AnyDesk from Ubuntu 24.04

To remove or uninstall AnyDesk from your Ubuntu 24.04 system, run:

sudo apt remove anydesk 
uninstalling anydesk from ubuntu 24.04

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