How to Disable Firewall in Ubuntu 24.04

A Firewall is an open-source network security tool that acts as a shield around your system server. It is used to manage the system’s incoming and outgoing traffic.

Want to disable the Firewall in Ubuntu 24.04? you are on the right blog!

1. Disable Firewall Using “ufw”

To disable the firewall from Ubuntu 24.04 using the ufw command, check out the following steps:

Step 1: Check Firewall Status

First, check the current status of Firewall:

sudo ufw status
viewing the firewall status in ubuntu 24.04

Step 2: Disable Firewall

Now, disable the Firewall using:

sudo ufw disable
disabling firewall in ubuntu 24.04 using sudo ufw disable

2. Disable Firewall Using “systemctl”

systemctl” is a Linux command line utility used to manage the system services such as start, stop, enable, or disable the services.

To disable Firewall using systemctl, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Stop Firewall Service

First, stop the Firewall service:

sudo systemctl stop ufw
stoping the firewall service in ubuntu 24.04 using systemctl

Step 2: Disable Firewall

Now, disable the Firewall on system boot using:

sudo systemctl disable ufw
disabling firewall in ubuntu 24.04 using systemctl command

3. Disable the Firewall Using the GUFW Tool

GUFW is a Firewall configuration tool that manages the system’s Firewall through GUI.

To disable the Firewall using the GUFW tool, go through the following steps:

Step 1: Install Firewall Configuration Tool

To install the “gufw” Firewall configuration tool on your Ubuntu 24.04 system, use:

sudo apt install gufw
installing gufw tool on ubuntu 24.04 using sudo apt install gufw

Step 2: Launch the Firewall Configuration Tool

Now, open the “Activity” menu using the “Super + A” key, search for “Firewall” and launch the Firewall Configuration tool:

launching firewall configuration tool in ubuntu 24.04 via activity menu

Step 3: Disable Firewall

Turn off the “Status” toggle to disable the Firewall:

disabling firewall in ubuntu 24.04

Note: To re-enable Firewall, simply turn on the “Status” toggle. 

Enable Firewall Using “ufw”

To enable the Firewall in Ubuntu 24.04 using ufw, use the below command:

sudo ufw enable
enabling the firewall in ubuntu 24.04 using sudo ufw enable

Enable Firewall Using “systemctl”

Follow the given steps to re-enable the firewall on Ubuntu 24.04 using the “systemctl” command:

Step 1: Start Firewall Service

First, start the Firewall service using:

sudo systemctl start ufw
starting the firewall service in ubuntu 24.04 using systemctl

Step 2: Enable Firewall

Re-enable the Firewall on the system through:

sudo systemctl enable ufw
enabling the firewall in ubuntu 24.04 using systemctl command

To sum up, disable the firewall from Ubuntu 24.04 using the “sudo ufw disable“, or “sudo systemctl disable ufw” command or through the Firewall configuration tool.

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