How to Check Ubuntu Version: 4 Easy Methods

In this post, we will check out 4 different ways to check the Ubuntu version installed on your system:

  • Method 1:  Using the lsb_release command
  • Method 2: Using the cat command
  • Method 3: Using the hostnamectl command
  • Method 4: Using GUI

How to Check Ubuntu Version?

Four different ways to check the Ubuntu version are listed below.

Method 1:  Using the lsb_release command

To display information about Linux Distribution, execute the command below in the terminal:

lsb_release -a
running lsb_release -a command to check ubuntu version

Method 2: Using the cat command

Next, display content within the “/etc/issue” file with:

cat /etc/issue
running cat command to check ubuntu version

Method 3: Using hostnamectl command

Open the terminal, and run this command:

running hostnamectl command to check ubuntu version

Method 4: Using GUI

Open Ubuntu’s Settings app:

opening settings through activities menu

Look for the “System” tab, located at the bottom. Then, hit “About”:

navigating to about system settings in ubuntu

The results will look like this:

checking current version of ubuntu 24.04 os

That’s how you can check the installed Ubuntu version on your system.

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